Welcome to My Blog - Healing on the Shamanic Path - My Journey Home
Hi I'm Natalie! I'm a trained shamanic healer, initiated into the teachings of the Q'ero lineage of The Andes in Peru. I've been on a spiritual path, or to say a path of awakening would be more accurate, for over 25 years and along the way have wanted to write about my experiences, healings, connections and insights at many points along my path, but feel now is a good time to start sharing my journey, as more of my clients and people in general ask me questions about shamanism and about the healing path. I see them opening to their own awakening and see the need to start hearing the voice of their own soul calling them home.
I met with these teachings around 12 years ago and although I'd been considering sharing for a while, one of the big prompts for me to start now, is that I will be travelling back to Peru in January 2024 (after my last two trips 7 years ago) and will stay for several months, and so I plan to share my journey, through blogging, pictures and videos along the way, so that those who chose to, can experience some of the magic that is The Sacred Valley of Peru!

What I'll be Sharing
So initially I thought I'd set out all this structured feel to how things will go, what I'll share and what the point of my sharing is, but actually how I'm feeling and what I'm guided to do is not plan anything much, but just use this container as a basic vessel for anything that wants to come through my channel. This seems to be the theme of alot of things for me lately and infact is quite a good way to meet life, the universe and everything! So, I will definitely be going back to how I really got onto this path and what it has meant for my own healing and those I work with, but how that flows, well I guess will be much like water. It will carve its path, filling in the spaces as it meets them, overflowing here and there, come in waves, sometimes flowing fast creating excitement, sometimes coming to a place of stillness like a deep pool, but I hope in my sharing, I can ignite a flame within you as you read, that encourages your own flow of inquisitiveness about life, about yourself and your inner world and how they are sooooooo intrinsically connected!
Will you be staying for tea?
So, if you want to know more about how this beautiful medicine has shaped my world and led to deep healing, get yourself a cup of tea and stay with me as I share more about my path so far and come with me to see what's on the path next in Peru. Stay Tuned!
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